Q1) What is a space maintainer ? Ans: Space maintainer are appliances that are used to maintain space so as to guide the the unerupted tooth in the arch.
Q2) When do kids need a space maintainer ? Ans: When milk tooth is lost too early .Early loss could be due to decay ,trauma , infection or any other condition.
Q3) Why is it important to Maintain the space ? Ans: Early loss of milk tooth leaves an empty socket and this empty space could close because of shift of the adjacent teeth . This doesn’t let the permanent teeth to erupt in correct position or sometimes might block the path of eruption of the permanent teeth .
Q4) Do kids always need a space maintainer after milk tooth sheds ? Ans:No , space maintainer is necessary only when milk tooth is lost before the succeeding permanent tooth is ready to erupt .
Q5) When can you remove the space maintainer? Ans: Usually a fixed appliance is given to pedodontic patients . Space maintainer has to be used until the permanent tooth erupts. Visit us with an appointment. Call 8971405648.