What is gum disease ?
Gum disease or Gingivitis is the inflammation of your gums. Your gums may turn red, become puffy and may even bleed while you brush or sometimes even when you chew.

It is mainly caused by the dental plaque which adheres on to your teeth and on the margins of your teeth and gums.

If this plaque is not removed by the regular homecare methods of brushing and flossing, it gradually hardens into a solid cement like material called tartar (also called calculus).

This tartar further promotes bacterial growth and infection.

When not treated in the initial stages, the gum disease may progress into periodontal disease where the bacterial infection destroys your tooth supporting structures, eventually causing the loss of one or more teeth.

When gum disease is severe, your dentist may refer you to a dental specialist called a Periodontist.

What is professional teeth cleaning?
Professional teeth cleaning is undertaken in the dental clinic with appropriate instruments by which the spread of gum infection is prevented.

There by helping in keeping the oral cavity and gums healthy. In professional terms, it is called Scaling and Root planning.

What is Scaling and polishing?
Scaling removes dental plaque and tartar (calculus). It is performed with the help of specialized instruments called an ultrasonic scaler. It is usually a painless procedure.

Polishing: Polishing is done after scaling of teeth. Polishing helps in getting a glossy-clean finish to your teeth and also prevents bacteria attaching onto the tooth surface.

Polishing is done with a help of a prophylaxis paste.It prevents stain and plaque entrapment on tooth for a long time .

What is Root Planing?

Root Planing:Root planing is a procedure where the root surfaces of the teeth are smoothened to remove the irregularities like the tartar or bacterial toxins to promote your gum health.

Is it a painful procedure?

It is usually a painless procedure. However some individuals may have sensitivity during the procedure. Based on the severity, in some cases, numbing agent may be used during the procedure.

Why there is sensitivity post scaling and will it be relieved ?

Teeth may be sensitive to temperature changes or sweet post scaling. Removal of debris covering the roots leaves it sensitive to temperature stimulus and it subsides quickly or a sensitivity tooth paste could be used .

Does professional cleaning cause damage to the tooth?

The scaling and polishing done by a Dentist, does not have any negative effect on your teeth . It is a misconception about this procedure that, it erodes and damages the tooth enamel . Scaling safely removes only the tartar and stains on the teeth.

Benefits of Scaling and Root planning

  • Helps reduce oral bacterial load
  • Reduces the risk of developing periodontal disease
  • Promotes overall systemic health
  • Prevents bad breathe
  • Removes stains( Caused due to coffee, tea or tobacco products)

How often should you get your teeth cleaned by a dentist ?

Visiting your Dentist for regular check-up, will certainly help you obtain an overall good dental health. Professional dental cleaning needs to be performed at least once, if not twice, a year. This again depends on how well you maintain your regular home care measures of brushing and flossing.


Visit us for your gum problems – call 89714045648 for appointment – https://eiradentalclinic.com


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