What are aligners?.………..These are clear transperant material which are the best alternative to braces. Clear aligner treatment is the most preferred treatment nowadays.
What kind of cases are treated with aligners?…. Almost all orthodontic problems like Crooked teeth, spacing in teeth, forwardly placed, cross bites, open bites and deepbites are corrected using aligners.
What are the steps in aligner treatment at Eira dental ?……… Just like braces all records of the patient is taken. Photos, xrays, and at Eira Dental we use the itero scanner to record the scans in the beginning.Afterwhich immediately on the chair side using the itero simulation the treatment outcome is shown to the patient. Once the treatment is discussed the scan is sent for processing and the aligners are ordered.

What is Itero scanner? It is currently the best intra oral Scanner in the world, used in dentistry. It is a zero radiation equipment which is used at all levels in dentistry from Pediatric to adult treatment. We at Eira Dental have digitised our clinic to cater to all treatment aspects
What are the steps in fixing the aligners on the teeth?.… Once the aligners are ready on the 1st visit the attachments are attached on the teeth using clear composite material as shown in the pic above and then the aligners are given to the patient. The 1st visit will take about 45 minutes.
How is the follow up with aligners?….. The advantage of aligners over braces is that the check up appointments are not as often as otherwise compared to fixed braces. At Eira Dental we monitor your treatment using the Invisalign app. to ensure you are regular with the aligner wear.
What age can one start aligner treatment?….. Just like braces, correction of the teeth should always begin as early as 8 yrs onwards. Although interceptive procedure can start much earlier.
What care should one require to take during the aligner treatment?……………..Any orthodontic treatment will require personal care whether its braces or aligners. Once you have started the aligner treatment most important is you have to be wearing the aligners for atleast 20 to 22 hours per day, night time wear is a must. The diet has to be soft and one should avoid diet which has colored content like turmeric, black tea, coffee etc since the teeth may get stained. Smoking, tabacoo chewing ,will stain the teeth and in turn effect the aligner treatment. Also once should daily check if all the attachments are intact on the teeth and if any attachments are lost it has to be reported to the clinic and an appointment has to be scheduled.
Does aligner treatment require elastics wear?…………… Most of the cases treated with aligners will require elastic wear as it brings about better finish to the treatment. These are similar to those given with the fixed braces. One should remove it when the aligners are not in the mouth.

What are the aligners available at Eira Dental? ………. EIRA DENTAL is a certified Invisalign center which specialises only in Invisalign although many aligners are available. The reason is Invisalign has been the worlds best aligners and the treatment undertaken has the best finish when compared to the other aligners.
Why is Invisalign preferred?….. Invisalign has been in the field since 20 years and is technically more advanced as compared to the rest of the aligners and is the preferred choice in the world currently. The quality of the material is amazing, its light and very transparent.
Does the aligner treatment require retainers after the treatment?.…………Yes all orthodontic treatment will require retainers and aligner treatment is no exception. Depending on the case some will require fixed retainers and some will require removable retainers. Also Invisalign recommended ‘ vivera’ retainers are the 1st choice in most of the cases treated by Invisalign.
How much does aligner treatment cost?… Treatment with invisalign aligners cost anywhere between 1.5 lakh to 3.5 lakh Indian rupees depending on the case.
Does the clinic have any easy finance options?….. EIRA DENTAL has tied up with Arogya finance Ltd. Which funds dental treatment by giving easy EMI options to the patients. Many have opted for this option for payments for dental procedures.
How is the treatment planned?…. All treatment planning is undertaken by the orthodontist at Eira Dental, the aligner company is thereafter instructed to customise the aligners for the patient. The company does not plan the case. So therefore at Eira Dental, Dr. ROHAN RAI with 25 years of experience plans the treatment with invisalign if you have opted to get treated with him. For further details contact Eira Dental at +918971405648. www.eiradentalclinic.com