‘Start early and finish early’ is a famous saying, applicable in braces treatment as well. Many of the parents or patients simply without proper understanding delay early intervention of orthodontic problems.

When a problem is identified at an early age by the orthodontist, the doctor will be able to advise the correct line of treatment to be initiated. Normally a set of xrays are advised, few sets of photographs are also taken and currently intra oral scanners are used to identify the exact cause and therefore plan the treatment.

Children have active phase of growth from 7 years to about 15 yrs. For correction of issues pertaining to the jaw the earliest is preferred may be even 7 years is good. Modulation of the Jaws are easy since the bones are soft and the permanent teeth are yet errupt completely. So by the time all the teeth are erupting the jaw bases are prepared for the teeth to align. And psychologicaly the child feels high on self esteem.