When an individual is unable to have a proper contact in his front teeth and therefore has a large gap between the upper and lower teeth in verticaly we call this condition as OPEN BITE .
The problems because of open bite can vary depending on the extend of involvement. If the problem is severe then the individual can have difficulty in speech,he or she may have mouth breathing, dryness of mouth,forwardly placed teeth ,crowding of teeth,lack of lip seal,tmj pain , and also a low self esteem.
Treatment for these individuals depends on the severity and the age of treatment. Any dental condition when intervened at an early age can be treated efficiently. At an early age around 7yrs onwards generally the treatment is advised from a less simpler appliances. However we can treat these condition at any age group.
At EIRA DENTAL we have beem treating these cases successfully with various options of braces ,as well as Invisalign invisible braces. Visit us with appointment -call 8971405648