Deep bite or under bite is a clinical situation where the upper teeth completely overlaps lower teeth vertically thus impinging sometimes on the gums in severe cases.These cases if not intervened at the earliest may end up in either loosing the lower or upper front teeth due to constant injury.Prolonged deep bite can cause severe pain in jaw joints in adults.

20yr old treated with customised wires

Treatment depends on what age you are seen by your orthodontist, at a young age its much easier to undertake the treatment as the jaw bones are easier to manage, as you grow older once the jaw bones mature treatment is more complex and time consuming.

Currently we have various options depending on your age to undertake the treatment. Invisalign is always a easier option ,we are able to treat with braces as well.Sometimes we may require an additional support called IZC / TADS for successful results.

Invisalign treated deep bite case

These are photographs of a 49yr old patient who underwent invisalign treatment for bite and smile correction .Patient wanted an option of treatment to suite her lifestyle, since she was an doctor by profession.Aligner treatment was her 1st choice ,however after finding out the limitations of other brands she opted INVISALIGN aligners. Her scan was undertaken with iteroscanner and the aligner treatment was completed .

Call us for an appointment -8971405648. for your scan done and get your invisalign treatment done.

Damon q customized braces for deep bite correction


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