IZC or infrazygomatic screws or Temporary Anchorage Device screws are adjuncts which have revolutionised orthodontic practice. By their application it is possible to treat the most challenging cases with ease to get precise results.

Why are they used?…Almost all braces require the support of the molars to support the wires by which the front teeth are pulled back for correction. However in few cases because of the complexity the molars may not be alone enough to sustain the force ,or in few cases if the molars are missing it may be impossible to treat the cases.In such cases we use the IZC AND TADS.
What are these IZC /TADS? .These are stainless steel or titanium make .Ranging 1.5 to 2 mm in diameter to 6 to 14 mm in length.Selection is made depending on the requirements of the case.
Is it painful?.-
The procedure is undertaken on the dental chair after administration of local anesthesia under trained hands.Normally the procedure would take about 15 -20 min.Usually an analgesic tablet for 1 or 2 days if required is dispensed.

Where is placed?- IZC and TADS are placed in side the mouth .The location depends on what kind of treatment the selected case is. Some cases in the side of upper and lower teeth ,some cases in the front behind the upper or lower lip as well as in middle of the palate.
How many numbers? Usually it is both sides of the jaw at symmetrical distance, however some cases may require placement only on one side of the jaw internally.

What kind of cases require IZC / TADS?.-Gummy smile,Long face ,Open bite, severe forwardly placed upper or lower jaw,surgical cases ,severely crooked teeth are few examples where we can take advantage of IZC/ TADS applications.
How long do we need these IZC / TADS- It depends on the severity of the case.It is usually held in place for the fulfillment of the required result.However some cases may require the tads for post treatment retention.
What are the braces which are compatible with IZC/ TADS- At EIRA DENTAL with our vast experience we undertake inclusion of IZC / TADS in almost all kinds of braces. But best choice would be with CUSTOMISED DAMON and INVISALIGN. Where the entire treatment is customized for individual problems.