If you have problem regarding large size lower jaw ,do not worry. It’s possible to correct it with a surgery and with the help of BRACES. Case report-19yr old girl who was reluctant to smile because of her large lower jaw opted for her treatment by surgery.She has a confident smile now which has increased her self esteem.For details visit www.eiradentalclinic.com

CL3 skeletal -Genioplasty-is the correction of chin.Generally class 3 cases have large lower jaw or a small upper jaw.When left untreated at a young age the patient have an option of correction by orthognathic surgery.At Eira Dental since we have a well cordinated team of doctors we are able to successfully treat vast number of cases with jaw problems.Below is a case of 19yr old boy who wanted to correct his large lower jaw.The before and after pictures show you the changes.