What is it?
These are the white opacities seen on the teeth as a result of enamel demineralization and a sign that caries process has begun.
What Causes it?
- Poor oral hygiene
- Increased intake of sugar content
- Frequent snacking
- Reduced salivary flow
- History of recent caries
- Lack of preventive measures(Fluoride applications)
- Increased orthodontic treatment time.
Where is it seen?
- High prevalence is on cervical and middle third of the crowns.
- First molars
- Maxillary lateral incisors
- Mandibular incisors and Canines .
How do you prevent them?
- Maintaing proper oral hygiene
- Mouth rinses
- Varnishes
- Change in the diet
- Fluoridated tooth paste
How to treat them?
- First allow natural remineralisation
- Low doses of fluoride applications
- Tooth whitening “Bleaching “
- Use of Casein derivatives
- Enamel Microabrasion
- Cosmetic restoration like Veneers
- Composite restoration/Build ups