Showing up of gums can be a concern for many individuals. Currently available options of using micro implants have revolutionised the TREATMENT which earlier where treated with SURGERY alone. These are small screw placed in the clinic ,which will take 15 to 30 minutes. A painless procedure under local anaesthesia.EIRA DENTAL has been undertaking this method to treatment for a number of individuals successfully . Case report-25yr old J.D, had undergone braces treatment elsewhere .The earlier orthodontist had extracted 4 of her teeth.However the outcome of her treatment was a GUMMY SMILE. She visited us with her problem.After analysing her case we treated her with InfraZygomatic implants (IZC),and IMPLANTS in the front followed by CROWN LENGTHING procedure. She has a pleasant smile now.
Case 2-Below case of 27yr old Ethiopian national, . Complained of severe gummy smile. Case treated with Temporary anchorage devise and Damon braces.
Contact us with an appointment. Call 8971405648.